四.自做聰明型 Thanks for your Email. But I would like to know your customers' opinion at first. How about their target prices? (到底是你的智商有問題,還是我的智商有問題?我不知道你的其它客戶是否會在你第一次報價之后就告訴你目標價,但我肯定是要讓你失望的啦,因為Iam not as stupid as you think. )
五.翻臉無情型 I have deleted a lot of email last week to save hard disk space. I will ask xxx to check that for you tomorrow morning, is that ok? (不會吧,這茶是否涼得也太早了一點?我們的單你們還在做著,現(xiàn)在就把我的郵件給全部刪了?看來我們的事在您眼中是無足輕重呀). 上一頁 [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一頁 |