43 GB/T 5463.2-1985 非金屬礦產品名詞術語 滑石 Technical terms of non-metallic mineral products--Talc
44 GB/T 5463.3-1986 非金屬礦產品名詞術語 石膏、硬石膏 Technical terms of non-metallic mineral products--Gypsum and anhydrite
45 GB/T 5484-1985 石膏和硬石膏化學分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of gypsum and anhydrite
46 GB/T 6646.1-1986 溫石棉纖維干式分級方法 Method for dry classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre
47 GB/T 6646.2-1986 溫石棉纖維長度濕式分級方法 Method for wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distribution
48 GB/T 6646.3-1986 溫石棉纖維長度快速濕式分級方法 Method for rapid wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distribution
49 GB/T 6646.4-1986 溫石棉比表面積測定方法 Method for specific surface area of chrysotile asbestos
50 GB/T 6646.5-1986 溫石棉中砂料與未解離石棉含量測定方法 Method for grit and crude content in chrysotile asbestos
51 GB/T 6646.6-1986 溫石棉水分測定方法 Method for moisture content of chrysotile asbestos
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